English Redneck  
English Redneck

   Wednesday, February 25, 2004  


Another amazing post by Pete :)

Yesterday when Pete told me about his dad's dad, I was shocked. It's weird because last week around this time I had a really bad feeling that someone in Pete's family was going to pass away. Oook - I hear people think, but it's hard to explain. Sometimes I just get these feelings where I think something bad is going to happen. Anyway, I know somewhat of Pete's dad and his siblings feelings towards their dad so I'm not surprised by the reaction. I'm also not surprised that Pete's dad said that - I can nearly hear him in my head saying that and laughing lol. God I miss being there at times like these!

I'm glad Pete could construct something fast to answer that question ;) Probably the worst to ask either one of us at the moment lol. And I have to specify, not because we don't want to be together in the long run, but where ?! hehe. Pete's post ranged from dark humour, fond chuckles, to hardly being able to contain myself. I wonder something, why I am in the "writer" in this pair ? Surely Pete is much more creative and naturally skilled than I. Maybe that's why I love him - and - make him read all my papers hehe.

I'm totally backing Pete's nomination for his grandparents to win best grandparents on earth award. They are truly wonderful people who indeed have come to spoil me rotten as well as Pete, so I really can't complain about that much anymore. hehe.

Loved the little cautionary note about deadend crap jobs ;) Reminds me of the deer video: "If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is too good to be true!" (Pete would get this.)

Again I am in awe of Pete's natural writing abilities especially on something like a blog or message forum...not fair. Glad to see he actually posted and didn't forget ;) He never does though. Well, now I'm tired. I should get some crap done before I go to bed, but will probably end up reading Bridget Jones: Edge of Reason some more (re-reading it at the moment in preparation for the movie coming out eventually.)

   [ posted by Juls @ 3:28 AM ] [ ]


Wrote out a post on here earlier and just as I finish, smack ! Power goes out. Love this house. My Dad's Dad died yesterday, so my Dad is off work right now. But before anyone starts sending sympathy messages, etc - its important to know that the bloke wasn't the favourite family member, quite the opposite in fact. My Dad's sister practically came over celebrating yesterday and even my Dad is only taking advantage of the situation to get time off work.

Of course that seems out of order, but then you have to know the situation - theres plenty of reasons that none of his kids want anything to do with him and due to it being a family thing, I won't go into big details. Overall though, my Dad will probably be the only one of the bunch going to his funeral.
There was actually a funny moment today - my Dad has been wanting some good overtime at work to get more money, but theres been none available. No sooner that he gets this time off from his tight ass asshole of a boss, that my Dad recieves a text from his work that there will be this great overtime job next week thats like an extra £65 a night for like 4 nights. Of course he can't really take it up as hes supposed to be off "mourning" the loss of his Dad. He was like "Its that bastard having one last pot shot at me from beyond the grave !"
As soon as I heard that I couldn't help but piss myself laughing - my Mum found it bloody hilarious too. It was one of those moments where I only wished certain family friends were there to hear it (i.e Josie and Pete - Jul will understand).

Anyway, I always called this grandad of mine "Dad's Dad", cause I never really spoke to him or knew much about him, but what I started to hear and got the drift of, didn't fill me with great enthusiasm to make an effort. Last I heard, he was diagnosed with lung cancer - and wanted to sue the hospital for advising him to give in smoking (basically he was diagnosed soon after giving up - twat). So in his world, he got cancer cause he gave up smoking. Ok.
Wasn't the cancer that killed him though, it stopped him from being able to eat and stuff and had him in a hospital bed, but what killed him was that hospital bug that some people have caught. Or maybe the hospital ended up liking him as much as everyone else seems to.

My other Grandad (my Mum's Dad), is the exact opposite - hes like the best grandparent in the world - him AND my Nan. They are definatly the best grandparents anyone can wish for and thats another thing I reckon I have full backing from Juls on. Hes the type of guy who does anything for anyone - if anyone tried to hurt him, they'd wanna start running - cause I'd kill em.
It works both ways though - I dare anyone to say something negative about me in front of him and see what you get. ;-))
Thing is though, its funny - whenever he argues something, doesn't matter how wrong he is, he'll stick to his guns and blank out the other persons view like he can't hear. Drives my Nan nuts and he knows it. ;-)
He also came up with the word "shu'up" - he has a great way of making "shut up" as one word and its like the winning arguement on every situation. My Nan will expose the stupidity of what he does and he'll just be like "ah shu'up"
He muddles up certain words too which can be funny - he's not retired, hes retarded. ;-)

Had a job interview today and I think I did ok - only part that fucked my brain up was the line I really didn't need - "what do you want in the longterm ?" For a moment I couldn't help but pause and think to myself that I can't even work that out with Jul, let alone tell this bloke off the cuff on the spot. I jumbled together a load of crap about settling into a decent job, pension scheme, blah, blah, blah.
If theres a moment in that interview that comes back to bite me on the ass, its gonna be that.
Thing is, I seem to balls up what I'm trying to say a lot lately. I'll go to say something, then forget how to express it mid-sentance. And then start over and over again until I finally manage to kinda get it accross. I also use certain bits of Essex slang too much when I really don't want to. I swear off the cuff too much - even if its generally mild words - I was lucky to stop myself from letting one fly earlier - not a good idea to swear in a formal job interview.
Think I've been working in warehouses for too long - been hanging around too many losers. Need to get into a decent job so my brain cells actually have a reason to stay awake.
Remember people - shit jobs equal mass brain cell suicide. Warehouse grunt work, being the poor bastard who wraps burgers for a living - jobs like this will turn you into a brain dead zombie. DO NOT DO THEM !
Of course a lot of jobs are repetitive - but at least a majority require some form of concentration. The real danger is in jobs that don't require you to be sober/awake/mentally alive.
So basically, if you're walking a box to a lorry 8 hours a day, wrapping a burger, or licking envelopes for the office staff that can't be arsed to do it - either shoot yourself, or get a new job. Or get married to someone who can get a good job and enjoy yourself at home. ;-)
And before I get my eye sockets kicked in - I promise I won't do the last one Juls. :-)

I'm tired. I'm going to bed now.

   [ posted by Pete @ 12:11 AM ] [ ]

   Wednesday, February 18, 2004  

I love the French Connection website! I was looking on it today and am so tempted to get so many cute and funny tops. I like these from the UK site:
play fcuk,cool as,too busy. And on the US site I like these: who gives, and cheeky. I already told Pete any of the ones on the UK site are good as a bday present lol. They offer free delivery on the UK site within the country so that'll probably be the cheapest one. Hehe. Anyway I'm tired. Better be off to bed. Watching Ab Fab series 4 on DVD.

   [ posted by Juls @ 4:19 AM ] [ ]


It's bad enough when you suddenly realize that you're becoming like the members of your own family. But it's desperately tragic when you realize you're becoming like your in-laws. Or future in-laws.

The other day I realized, quite to my horror, that I'm becoming like Pete's family. I don't mean that in a bad way really ;) The fact is they're such a laugh. The drinking, the sarcasm, the utter disregard for all thing 'proper.' To the outsider that might make them seem very evil indeed but is in fact the opposite. I have never l laughed so much as I do when I'm around them.

And sometime in the almost four years that I've been going to England and experiencing them, some of it has definitely rubbed off. As Pete said recently - I have fulfilled the long standing traditon of 'sensible woman' to 'mental man.' But with all this craziness around me (ie Pete, his parents, their friends) I have become a bit mental myself. I now and then make the random comment about sex - such as mentioning to Pete's mum that he won't let me go to bed with my clothes on.

But I find this new found cheekiness liberating, which is why I will admit this now at least to this blog, that I'm becoming one of them. So help me god. ;-p

   [ posted by Juls @ 12:55 AM ] [ ]

   Tuesday, February 17, 2004  

The guys in my family love their gadgets and toys. I'm no exception. Another thing we do, is try to upgrade our comps in the cheapest way possible - which comes out as poncing off eachothers used crappy parts. Its kinda like building yourself up while knocking the others down.
For me to go up in the world, some other poor bastard in the famil has to suffer the piece of crap I had. In this case its one of my Aunts who so happens to be very against subjects of sex and stuff. Not the type of woman you can share jokes about sex with. My Mum made a comment once that made her leave a party pretty early out of embarressment.

So now I can't help but snigger a bit when I think of her trying to view websites only to get taken to that bastard Russian porn site. Of course some might say "oh thats so cruel !" But then the flip side to it is that both her and the uncle shes married to (not to mention their two sons), hardly ever see any other family members because they have this attitude that they're too good for us or something. So the way I see it - fuck em. In the nicest way possible of course.

So yeah, now I have a new comp and although not wonderful, is a good improvement on the old piece of crap. Of course a brand new comp would be nice with everything new, but getting a place to live with Jul and stuff comes first and buying stuff like a new comp won't do any good towards it. So all I need is a setup that gets me online and this does the job.

Watched that new Battlestar Galactica last night and tonight - pretty good. Alot better than I thought it'd be, so it looks like something me and my Dad will be watching if it goes on into a regular series.
Been thinking a lot about the future and overall I can be happy in either country. Each one definatly has its pros and cons, but when it comes down to it, I just wanna be married to Jul.

   [ posted by Pete @ 10:30 PM ] [ ]

   Wednesday, February 11, 2004  

::Cough:: You were a good keyboard. You hardly ever were hard to use or froze up and wouldn't work. I sat on the bed and used you like - well - a wireless keyboard. May you rest in peace. ::cough::

I hated that damn thing so much!! Yay! Wireless keyboard it dead! Woohoo. LOL.

   [ posted by Juls @ 9:39 PM ] [ ]


I have a wireless keyboard with a built in mouse. Well, at least I DID have a wireless keyboard with a built in mouse. My comp has been pissing me off lately on an increasingly regular basis. First of all, I get "illegal operation" messages for no real reason. Then some Russian fuckhead porn site decided to install something into my comp which redirects me to its site rather than where I actually want to go - this of course also springs several pages of pop up porn advertising because afterall we all know that if they put all this shit in your face, you're gonna be more than happy to buy a membership with them - genius.

Anyway, above all this, earlier today my web pages started loading slower than ever and because my wonderful Russian college slut offering hosts have had problems, I can't get to any websites without having a link to them. If I type in the address - it redirects me, but then fails completely.
THEN, my hilarious keyboard decides to join in on the fun and starts typing up different symbols and letters to the keys I'm actually pressing.
Unfortunatly and with much "regret" I am now sitting with my old wire keyboard and mouse combo after my wireless one has met with an unfortunate bundle of accidents.
It accidentally got in the way of 20 punches, 8 elbow drops, 4 body splashes and around 6 throws.

But on the plus side, the boilers fixed.

   [ posted by Pete @ 6:40 PM ] [ ]

   Tuesday, February 10, 2004  

You would think having a class where you mess around with HTML for 2 and a half hours would be fun right ???!!! Not very much. Waiting for Pete to post on my blog so I have something to read - dun dun dun. Half an hour down, 2 hours to go. I hate school. My tummy hurts.

Ooo Pete has penguins at his house now ?! I want one!!! Baby kidnap and penguin and keep him hostage until I get there! I need a friend to keep me company when you're at work! I want a penguin! LOL

   [ posted by Juls @ 10:22 PM ] [ ]


Freezing cold - and now practically Fuckin blind too ! Woke up at 3am and needed to goto the toilet. Got up and avoided stepping on the penguins, went to switch my light on and the bulb blew. Cute.
Tomorrow should see the arrival of the boiler guys. If not desperate measures might be taken - if physical abuse and swearing can get a comp to work, maybe it'll work on a boiler.

   [ posted by Pete @ 7:10 PM ] [ ]

   Monday, February 09, 2004  

Awww poor freezing english redneck :(

Wish I was there to warm you up. Weather is pretty crap here too today but not as cold as there obviously. Stupid boiler. Something in your house is always broken, at least now you can blame it on me ;) Anyway if I was there I am pretty sure you wouldn't be going to bed fully clothed ;-p But I wouldn't complain to your mum again that you don't let me wear pajamas to bed... LOL. The comparisons do not promote a very nice mental picture... burrrr. Stay warm baby ;)

   [ posted by Juls @ 9:14 PM ] [ ]


Bloody heating. Boilers knackered until Wednesday and its freezing in here. Theres a fireplace in the living room but it does sod all for the rest of the house. So basically I'm sitting in my Buccaneers sweater, freezing my bollocks off.

Its times like this that Florida is the best place in the world. Me thinks I'll be going to bed looking practically fully clothed tonight.
Poxy weather. Poxy heating. Poxy country.

   [ posted by Pete @ 7:02 PM ] [ ]

   Sunday, February 08, 2004  

Hey this is Juls, Pete's other half. I'm in charge of redecorating his blog ;) Hope I get bloody good payment for this in the summer hehe.

   [ posted by Juls @ 3:18 PM ] [ ]


Ok......::cough:: My names Pete, I'm 25 and I live in Essex England. For any Americans reading this and not knowing the place, think of it as England's version of the Bronx, with a splash of Detroit.

I'm engaged to a sexy girl named Julie who lives in Ormond Beach / Daytona Florida. We've been together for over 5 years and at the moment are torn between which country we're going to end up living in.
Anyway, over the years, going back and fourth to the U.S and being around Julie's family has led to certain changes in me, from slang to interests. Same goes for Juls too who is always saying stuff she'd never usually say before meeting me. ;-)

I actually post on the blog she put together, but the difference between me posting on there and on here is censorship. Due to the audience looking at Julie's page, things have to remain "family friendly" which I can do. :-)
Its also more based around our relationship and her college life. This page however is Pete uncensored and will contain bad language at times and will have me talking about crap that I wouldn't clog Juls page with (my interests and stuff that people reading the other blog wouldn't particularly wanna plow through.)

Also, the stuff on here will be my views and if it offends you - bollocks.
Other than that - Welcome. :-)

   [ posted by Pete @ 2:06 PM ] [ ]

Pete feels:Pete's mood

Pete's Weather
The WeatherPixie




English Redneck Rants & Reviews

My Future Wife

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